Friday, October 25, 2013

3rd Annual Creepy Cruise at the Lancaster Auto Mall

It's that time of year again! The 3rd Annual Creepy Cruise will be at the Lancaster Auto Mall Oct. 27th, from 1pm-6pm! With free admission, spend the afternoon with live entertainment, food trucks, costume contest for the kids and adults, Halloween decorated vehicles and of course TRUCK OR TREATING! Portion of the proceeds will go to the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Antelope Valley.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Proper Way to Shine Your Car’s Tires

You've just spent hours washing and waxing your car, but it doesn't look as good as the first day you brought it home. Why? Well, it just might be those dingy tires. Faded or discolored tires, caused by the effects of sun and chemicals, can significantly detract from the overall appearance of your car. But, don't be discouraged, because by taking just a few extra steps, you can have a car that will be the envy of your neighborhood and local car show. Here's how the final detail, shining your tires, can make all the difference.

Steps for Detailing Your Tires

Here are some simple steps to get a lasting, new-tire look.
  • Remove road grime from the sidewalls using a brush, mild soap, and water. For best results, use cleansers specifically designed for rubber.
  • For a longer-lasting shine, make sure the tires are dry before you apply tire care products.
  • Apply a tire rejuvenator periodically to lay a good foundation for routine tire maintenance. These products contain black dye that will restore tires to their original dark color, so be sure to read labels before applying products to tires with white sidewalls or raised lettering. You may want to use rubber gloves to avoid getting the darkening agent on your hands.
  • For the finishing touch, apply tire dressing. For optimal results, use a hand applicator to distribute the product evenly around each tire's sidewall. A single application should result in a good satin shine, but you'll need to apply a second coat, if you want more of a wet look.

If you have any questions about servicing or scheduling an appointment for your vehicle, please feel free to Contact Us. We would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Preparing for Summer Road Trips

With the kids home from school for the summer, many families decide to pack up the family vehicle and hit the open road to visit family or see America. Being confined to an enclosed space can be stressful enough, so basic preparations before the trip can help keep unexpected disasters to a minimum.

First up is checking the condition of all the tires. With gas prices of nearly $4 per gallon, an easy way to save at the pump is to make sure the tires are properly inflated. Check the sticker on the driver’s door jamb for the recommended pressures, and make sure all four tires are up to spec. Before a road trip, it’s equally important to check the pressure in the spare. While you’re at it, do a visual inspection of the tires and replace tires showing excessive or uneven wear.

Compact spares are typically inflated to between 80 and 90 psi, compared to about 30 to 35 psi for conventional tires. While checking the spare, don’t forget to take out the jack and make sure it’s working and all the parts are there. If your wheels have locking lug nuts, you wouldn’t want to get stranded with a flat tire that can’t be removed so make sure the key is in the car, as well. A first aid kit in the vehicle is always a good idea, too.

Cranky kids confined to a steamy car on a hot summer day are not conducive to a fun family outing, so if you haven’t already checked out the air conditioning, make sure it’s properly chilling the cabin air. If necessary get it recharged with refrigerant or get other repairs done.

Of course, the passengers aren’t alone in needing cooling in the summer. Make sure the engine coolant reservoir is filled to the proper level and the coolant is in good condition. It should be either a bright green color or bright orange if it uses Dex-Cool coolant. If there are any signs of brown discoloration, have the system inspected by your dealer’s service department, as it could be an indication of a leaking head gasket that’s allowing oil to mix with the coolant.

Don’t forget to check under the vehicle after it has been parked to make sure there are no leaks. If there are signs of any fluids other than water (which may just be condensation from the air conditioning compressor) get it checked and repaired as soon as possible.

If you are planning a long trip and your car is close to the mileage where it needs an oil change, take it in early to get fresh oil.

No matter how much you prepare for a trip, the unexpected can sometimes happen. Thankfully, roadside assistance services are always ready to come to your aid. Many automakers now offer complimentary roadside assistance that includes towing, tire changes, emergency fuel delivery and other services during the warranty period on new and sometimes pre-owned vehicles. Cell phone providers also frequently offer similar assistance services for just a few dollars per month added to your bill. For those that prefer the traditional approach, automobile clubs like AAA are also a great option. No matter what service you opt for, make sure you know your account number and program the phone number into your cell phone.

Speaking of cell phones, remember to bring a 12-volt charging adapter so you can keep the battery charged while driving. If you are planning to use a smartphone as a navigation device, check out your local cell phone store for a windshield mount for the phone so you don’t have to hold it in your hand.

Thanks to modern consumer electronics, kids can also stay entertained on the road––listening to whatever music they like, or using laptops or tablets to play games or watch movies––without annoying parents. The batteries in those devices have a habit of running down at inopportune times, however, so having suitable charging capabilities is important.

For devices that can charge from USB ports, if the car doesn’t have extra ports, get a couple of extra 12-volt to USB chargers and, if needed, a multi-outlet adapter. If using a laptop on the road, investing in a 400-watt power inverter will provide one or two AC outlets just like at home, so everyone can stay occupied.

Stop by the dealership today and let us make sure your car is in the right shape before you take it out on a long road trip. Some basic preparation will help minimize the chances of avoidable disasters on the road and allow everyone to come home with memories of a great trip.

This article is presented by Antelope Valley Ford Lincoln Mazda in Lancaster, California.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Car Care: Wheel Alignment

One of the most important and yet neglected factors influencing the handling, and the fuel efficiency, of any car or truck is the wheel alignment. Your vehicle’s ability to go, stop and change direction is affected by the direction each of the wheels is pointing, and, whether you drive a compact car or full-size SUV or pickup, the directional control you get where the rubber meets the road is important for safety.

At any given moment only a small patch of rubber, often smaller than the palm of your hand, is supporting the weight of the vehicle and transmitting all of the forces from the engine, brakes and steering to the pavement. Proper wheel alignment helps ensure all of those forces are going where they belong and the tires aren’t being overworked.

While it may look to the naked eye like all of the tires are pointed straight ahead, they are all at slight but important angles. There are three different angles that affect wheel alignment: camber, caster and toe.

“Camber” is the degree to which a wheel departs from vertical (or perpendicular with the road), as viewed from the front. The top of each wheel is usually angled slightly inward. On an average car or truck, the angle is usually less than a few degrees, and you need special measuring equipment to determine the angle. The camber angle compensates for the way tire rubber stretches and deforms when cornering, and helps to make sure that the tire’s contact patch remains in full contact with the road, including while going around corners. 

“Toe” is the degree to which a wheel departs from being parallel to the other wheel on the same axle. If the front wheels (and the rears, if the vehicle has independent rear suspension) are angled slightly towards each other (as viewed from above) it’s called “toe-in.” “Toe-out” is when the wheels are pointing slightly away from each other. This is to counter the forces that push the wheels back into a more straight-ahead angle while driving.

Finally, “caster” is the frontward or rearward angle that the steering pivot point has from vertical, as considered from the side. The forces from the caster angle are what give the steering wheel a self-centering capability when you go down the road or relax your grip after going around a corner.

Each of these can be adjusted with links that are part of the suspension system. However, small variations in the angles can have a big effect on how the car drives and on tire wear. Sometimes hitting a big pothole or sliding into a curb can be enough to affect the toe or camber angle by a single degree or less, causing the vehicle to continuously pull in one direction or the other.

In addition to causing the vehicle to pull in one direction or the other, alignment problems also cause abnormally high, often uneven, tire wear. This can lead to a blow-out that could cause an accident, excess vibration that can be felt throughout the vehicle and reduced tire life.

Since checking and adjusting wheel alignment requires precision equipment, it should only be done by your dealer’s service department. You should never attempt to adjust the alignment by hand at home. While most service facilities offer both front-wheel-only alignment and four-wheel alignment, it is usually best to go for four-wheel alignment.

On rear-wheel drive cars and trucks with a solid rear axle, there usually aren’t any adjustments available for the rear wheels. However, even in this case, four-wheel alignment is important because the front wheels will be adjusted relative to the rear wheels so that everything is pointed in the right direction. Doing a front-only alignment can still leave the car pulling in one direction or the other.

One way to determine if your vehicle needs an alignment is to drive it down a straight, flat road with little or no crown (the fall-off toward the outer edge). The car should track straight ahead without you having to tug on the steering wheel. If the vehicle diverges from straight ahead without steering input, get it serviced soon.

You should also do a regular visual inspection of all four tires for uneven wear. The tread depth should be relatively consistent. You can quickly check the depth using a penny stuck into the grooves. If the top part of Lincoln’s head is covered by the rubber in each groove, you have enough tread left. However, if the depth is significantly different on the inner or outer edge of the tire, you could have an alignment problem that needs to be corrected.

Most alignment work can be done quickly and often doesn’t require any parts replacement unless the vehicle has hit something severe and bent a suspension link. A proper alignment and a regular tire rotation with each oil change will help your tires last longer and make your vehicle safer and more enjoyable to drive.

This article is presented by Antelope Valley Ford Lincoln Mazda in Lancaster, California.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Celebrating Earth Day

Observe this environmental holiday by cleaning up the world around you

Earth Day has been celebrated annually on April 22 since 1970. The day is designated as a way to acknowledge the environment and consider ways to make the earth a healthier place to live. People of any age and nationality can participate in this one-day event. The more people who participate in Earth Day, the more impact the holiday will have on the overall environment.

Clean up the environment
Head outdoors and do what you can to clean up the environment in your own neighborhood. Pick up trash along roads, sidewalks and hiking trails. Recycle items that are recyclable and dispose of other items in proper trash receptacles. Clean up sticks and other natural debris that are blocking walking and bike paths and take them to a composting area. Trim trees and shrubs along walking paths, making them more accessible for walkers.

Plant trees or vegetables
Because plant-life increases the quality of the air around you, consider planting on Earth Day. Plant a tree in memory of a friend or loved one. Get a head start on the summer growing season by planting vegetable seeds indoors. Plant flowers in your yard, if possible. Make a pine cone bird feeder to attract and feed birds in your outdoor space.

Start an ongoing program
While focusing on the environment for one day is a positive move, an ongoing effort for environmental preservation is even better. Consider using Earth Day as an opportunity to launch an environmental program in your community. Start a recycling program. Develop a group of local citizens interested in volunteering in your local parks. Organize a community garden.

Enjoy nature
Even if you do not actively participate in Earth Day with a personal project, take the time to get outdoors and enjoy the nature in your community. Visit a park you have never visited. Take a hike in a state park. Enjoy a picnic near a local nature preserve. Visit a local farm.

Make every day Earth Day
Although Earth Day is celebrated in spring of each year, you can make every day an Earth Day in your household. Make a commitment to become more environmentally conscious and reduce your environmental footprint. Conserve utility resources by turning down your thermostat when you are not home, reducing water usage and opening your windows instead of using air-conditioning. Purchase food from local farmers and independently operated businesses, or grow some of your own fruits and vegetables.

Start a composting bin, in order to recycle vegetable and yard waste and use the compost for landscaping or gardening. Make your own cleaning products, instead of using toxic commercial products. Recycle whenever possible and find new uses for items before you discard them. Most important, get away from the computer and the television set and get outdoors. Walk and bike when weather allows and enjoy your natural surroundings.

This article is presented by Antelope Valley Ford Lincoln Mazda in Lancaster, California.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

10 Tips for Driving in the Rain

Looks like we will be having some rain for the next few days. It is best to make sure that you are prepared before you hit those slippery roads. Here are some tips we found most helpful in this situation.


In stormy conditions, it is more difficult to see other vehicles, road signs and the road itself. It is critical to make sure you can see and be seen.

  1. First and foremost: slow down! It takes longer to stop or adjust in wet weather.
  2. Replace old or brittle wipers.
  3. Check your tires on a regular basis. Bald tires significantly reduce your traction on wet roadways, and offer little resistance to hydroplaning. When your tires run over water, the water is displaced and it needs somewhere to go quickly. The best place is between the treads of your tires. If your tires are bald, the water has no place to go and you end up riding on a layer of water, like a boat.
  4. Stay toward the middle lanes - water tends to pool in the outside lanes.
  5. Stay at least 2 car lengths behind the vehicle driving ahead of you. The roads are more slippery while wet. If you have to make a sudden stop, you will have a less chance of bumping into the back of the cars in front of you.
  6. Turn your headlights on even in a light rain, or in gloomy, foggy or overcast conditions. Not only do they help you see the road, but they'll help other drivers see you. If your car has daytime running lights you still should put them on, so vehicles behind you can see you better.
  7. When driving through a puddle of uncertain depth, go slow. If it's deeper than the bottom of your doors, turn around and find another route. Deep water can cause serious damage to a modern car's electrical system.
  8. Avoid splashing pedestrians.
  9. Rain or high humidity can quickly cause windows to mist up inside the car. In a car equipped with air conditioning, turn up the heat and direct the airflow to your defrosters with the AC switch engaged
  10. Never drive beyond the limits of visibility. At night rainy roads become especially treacherous. The glare of oncoming lights, amplified by the rain on your windscreen, can cause temporary loss of visibility while substantially increasing driver fatigue. In rainy conditions pedestrians, livestock, and wildlife are extremely hard to spot and even harder to avoid.

Please keep these tips in mind and drive safely!

If you have any questions about servicing or scheduling an appointment for your vehicle, please feel free to Contact Us. We would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.

Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Ford Mustang ROUSH at Antelope Valley Ford

Here at Antelope Valley Ford, we have recently received some of the hottest cars on the market! Among those cars are the new 2013 Ford Mustang ROUSH Stage 1 and Stage 3. We figured that we could make a virtual walkaround, as to show you the in's and out's of these awesome rides! So for your entertainment, here are the Mustang ROUSH Stage 1 and 3. Enjoy!

Mustang ROUSH Stage 1

The Stage 1 Mustang is the introductory model and the foundation from which all ROUSH "Stage" Mustangs grow from. It features the ROUSH styling at a price point. The ROUSH Stage 1 features a vast array of exterior styling enhancements including the 6th generation body package, referred to as the “R6” aerobody package.

Starting at the front of the car are the newly designed ROUSH upper grille, high-flow lower grille, corner fascia aero pockets with driving lamps and front chin splitter. Moving towards the back are the ROUSH rocker panel and rear fascia side splitters to give the car an aggressive, low stance. At the rear of the car sits the ROUSH three-piece rear decklid spoiler giving the car a sleek look without obstructing the view out the rear window. Rounding out the tail end is the new ROUSH rear aero valance featuring race-inspired diffusers and integrating ROUSH’s new dual chambered, chrome exhaust tips.

Exterior identifiers include a ROUSH front windshield banner, Stage 1 badge in the upper grille, ROUSH "R" fender badges, and on the rear decklid are a Stage 1 badge, a faux gas cap "R" badge and finished with Jack Roush’s signature graphic.

Interior branding touches on the Stage 1 contain ROUSH embroidered floor mats, a ROUSH center console button, a Stage 1 dash medallion, Jack Roush's signature graphic on the dash and under the hood is a serialized Stage 1 plaque.

A broad selection of optional equipment is also available for the Stage 1 including exterior body, interior, suspension, braking and under hood components.

Mustang ROUSH Stage 3

The Stage 3 Mustang is the pinnacle of the ROUSH "Stage" Mustangs. It builds off the styling from the Stage 1, the handling from the Stage 2, and adds its own piece of the pie, a supercharged 5.0L-4v powertrain. It is the perfect interfusion of styling, handling and brut power. The Stage 3 is everything a muscle car can and should be.

At the heart of the Stage 3 is the supercharged 5.0L-4v powertrain pumping out a massive 565 horsepower and 505 lb-ft of torque, more than enough power to crush you into the back of your seat at the stab of the throttle. Creating the extra power is the R2300 supercharger featuring Eaton's® TVS (Twin Vortices Series) patented technology which delivers greatly enhanced thermal efficiency, produces higher volumetric capacity, and enables higher supercharger operating speeds, all of which allow for more power and better fuel efficiency in a smaller, lighter package. With the PCM calibrated by ROUSH engineers to the perfect combination of horsepower, drivability and durability, ROUSH feels completely comfortable offering an impressive 3 year/36,000 mile complete powertrain warranty.

Standard chassis components include a complete suspension system and an 18-inch by 10-inch cast aluminum, five spoke, chrome ROUSH wheel wrapped in the ROUSH/Cooper co-developed RS3 ultra high-performance tire. The suspension system consists of a larger, stiffer front stabilizer bar to reduce body roll and provide balanced, neutral handling. It also includes a unique ROUSH designed anti-wheel hop kit, twin-tube shocks with unique valving, increased rate springs as well as upgraded bushings and jounce bumpers. ROUSH chassis engineers spent thousands of hours in development and testing to create the perfect set up to aid in acceleration, cornering, stopping and ride quality.

As with the other "Stage" Mustangs the Stage 3 carries the 6th generation body package, referred to as the "R6" aerobody package. The R6 aerobody package incorporates a newly designed ROUSH upper grille, high-flow lower grille, corner fascia aero pockets with driving lamps and front chin splitter. It also includes a new ROUSH hood scoop, rocker panel and rear fascia side splitters, a three-piece rear decklid spoiler as well a new ROUSH rear aero valance featuring race-inspired diffusers and integrating new dual chambered, chrome exhaust tips.

The Stage 3 gets an RS3 graphics package available in multiple color combinations to allow owners to personalize to their taste, a ROUSH front windshield banner, a Stage 3 badge in the upper grille and ROUSH "R" fender badges. The rear decklid receives a Stage 3 badge, a faux gas cap "R" badge and is finished with Jack Roush's signature graphic.

Standard components inside the Stage 3 consist of a custom gauge cluster (when built on premium base models only), ROUSH embroidered floor mats, a ROUSH center console button, a Stage 3 dash medallion and Jack Roush's signature graphic on the dash. Under the hood are a serialized Stage 3 plaque and a chassis build plaque.

Because the Stage 3 comes so well equipped, the only exterior body option is the rear quarter window louvers and graphics. Inside the car is the all new Stage 3 Interior Package consisting of Stage 3 embroidered leather seating with suede inserts and highlight stitching, suede door panel inserts with highlight stitching and a suede shift boot with highlight stitching. There is also a vent gauge pod and LED boost gauge, a suede wrapped performance steering wheel, a white or black shifter ball, ROUSH illuminated sill plates (cars equipped with ambient lighting), billet aluminum racing pedals and a convertible light bar as optional equipment.

Chassis and engine options include two 20-inch wheels options (chrome or hyper black), four different brake packages (red two-piston sport, red four-piston performance, black four-piston performance or six-piston competition), a trunk mounted tool kit, ROUSH laser cut hood struts and red or black ROUSH engine coil covers. And to hear the 565 horsepower rumble out the car is the ROUSH dual chamber off-road exhaust system.

If you would like any more information about the 2013 Ford Mustang ROUSH or any other Ford vehicle, you can contact us at (888)244-0072.
If you have any questions about service, financing a vehicle, or any questions in general please feel free to Contact Us. We would be more than happy to answer any and all of your questions.

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